Wednesday 29 October 2014

Luang Pu Perm - Luang Pu Cher Wat Klang bangkaew


 Luang Pu Perm 


LP Perm was born in B.E.2429 (C.E.1886) in Nakornpathom province. At the age of 21, he was ordained as a monk at Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakornpathom province. LP Perm was a monk under LP Boon who was the first monk who created style of Bia-Gae in the present era and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha.
In 1938, after LP Boon passed away LP Perm was an abbot of Wat Klang Bang Kaew. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way and has knowledge of Visha (magic) and Dharma. He has been well-known as a monk who has been created good amulet. He is a monk who possesses a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power).
LP Perm passed away in B.E.2526 (C.E.1983) at the age of age of 97 years old.

This batch of Phra nakprok nur Kaminsek is made by lp Perm and its made around 2500era and it was not realse until Lp Perm passing and giving to those who attend the last rite for lp Perm. Therefore this is 1 of the best amulet created by lp Perm as it was chanted for more than 20 yrs


 Luang Pu Jur-ah

LP Jur-ah of Wat Glarng-Bang-Gaow, NakhonPaThom province was born in C.E.1925. LP Jur-ah was ordained at the age of 26 at Wat Glarng-Bang-Gaow. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. LP Jur-ah was close disciple of LP Purm. He has knowledge of Visha (magic) and has been studied the art of making efficacious Bia-Gae and amulets from LP Purm. LP Jur-ah is only one who succeeds in making the Bia-Gae from LP Purm. After LP Purm passed away, many people want LP Jur-ah to become an abbot of this temple but he refused and become a second abbot. Every day, many people go to meet LP Jur-ah. They really need for his help. They are said that Luang Phor is a monk who possesses a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and Bahramee (power).
LP Purm was an abbot of this temple.He was guru monk and very well-known in Thailand. LP Purm was a monk under LP Boon who was the first monk who created style of Bia-Gae in the present era and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha.
LP Jur-ah passed away on the 29th December 2009 at the age of 84. 

Phra Chao Sua B.E2535 made by lp Jur-ah

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